
The beauty of having to accomplish something lies in its journey, not the destination. Of course the destination,once reached, too gives its beautiful feelings, but the journey is most enjoyed.It leaves behind an unexplicable feeling of mixed emotions, some happy, some funny and some, inspiring.
The journey motivates and enthuses the adventurer in us to set other targets and get the feel of their rollercoaster rides. A journey becomes one of the best ones we ever have had, leaving behind moments to ponder & reminiscince on, when we share the journey with someone. 
Who else, but our parents and siblings. For, life itself is a beautiful journey, wit one of the end points being the ultimate satisfaction & elation in our parents' eyes at watching us do well in our lives. Well, when our parents share the journey, it becomes so much more fun, crazy & gives pearls of wisdom.
For sure, we take it for granted that our parents and siblings will be with us, by our sides, for the most of our journey.Because, we would not be possible without them. :)

So, ready for another journey?


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