
Showing posts from July, 2016

The Pigeon Diaries-Part 3

Here, I will be sharing the stages of them growing up:) The cuute babies! They haven't opened their eyes yet:) Looks like they're smiling! Feeding time. Them feathers are growing!! And I'm their family photographer ;) Almost full grown! I'm proud of them:') Though I didn't do anything:P 

Monsoon romantics:-1.The sweet song of rain

All for a rainy day:) I can hear the footsteps of rain , As it walks along roads and pathways , Creating lil puddles . Puddles of joy , That once were eagerly awaited for. I can hear the rain , Softly talking to the trees And bringing the soft breeze, That chills me, down to the bone. I can hear the rain , And feel its little droplets Fall on my face and arms, As I open myself, to the rain .