
Showing posts from February, 2016

Adventures of the dreamy girl: #1

So, here is part one, or what I have taken from her diary secretly;)  "Dear diary, Friends. Aha. Hit the spot. Sisters? Even better. Soul sisters and twins? Absolutely! Hit the sweet spot !! But not the best. What am i talking about eh? You must be thinking i have gone bonkers.:P No. Not quite. So, listen. One is pretty lucky if one has a very close friend or a twin.Then he/she can talk about everything under the sun, give opinions, share ideas and yet not be judged,for every move. One can even ask for advice on some matters, get other's perspective and broaden the horizon of one's mind.It helps reduce stress and lightens one up. But in some cases it would be the best when one talks to oneself.Sometimes, somethings are best when discussed with oneself.And I do this in my mind mostly and write it down in you.But it is of no use since you can't talk back to me or my mind. It is in these cases that i wish for something beautiful. That, my mind and soul com

Adventures of the dreamy girl

The last rays of the sun seem to have the midas touch, every place they seem to reach turns a beautiful golden yellow:). The sun seems to be in a hurry to set down and for night to befall. This beautiful time of the day produces a warm unexplicable feeling in my heart, that everything's going to be okay.And it also takes the girl, lets name her Arch, to her dreamland, a land of paradise, where her rules are only followed.We too wish of such a dreamland right? So, her dreamland is filled with many such beautiful ideas which are not otherwise possible on Earth. But,of course. Dreams are our unfulfilled desires, of houses filled with chocolates, of having superpowers, of a world with peace, that  promotes music,art, culture and of environment-friendly buildings, harmonious and religiously tolerant people,of a city filled with books, wishing those childhood dreams to come true:') She has a monologue, about various ideas in her paradise. The following series is her monologues