The seven notes..


All of us have heard seven notes. What seven notes? But of course,  the seven "musical" notes! :)
Now you know what I'm talking about. Music.

I daresay, Music has played a very important role in everyone's lives. Be it instrumental, unplugged,rock,metal, rap, pop, classical,folk, fusion anything, Music is just music. It knows no barriers,no boundaries. It is free flowing, moving from place to place, touching hearts and souls. Music has played an important role since time immemorial. Music is a medium of expressing happiness & celebrating it. Though there also has been music for the sad times.

When you listen to music, it is just you and the music.All else fades away. Feeling sad/upset? Listen to music! Feeling happy? sing along! Mood off? Music to the rescue again! Music. music. music. What would I have done without it?

For me, it's always the motto : No music. No life.
I'm addicted to music. Are you too?
 Do you share your feelings and thoughts!


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